Image by Monroe's Dragonfly via Flickr
And she caught me doing it. I saw that she was interested in old books, so I bought a first edition online. It was a copy of Stranger in a Strange Land. I was carrying it with me to use as a talking point in case I ran into her at the bookstore (I was following her, after all). And as I rounded the corner into the bookstore, she was standing there waiting for me.
"You were dragging behind, so I thought I'd let you catch up," she said.
I said something completely nonsensical.
"It's ok. I'm flattered that you've shown so much interest. The least I could do is let you buy me a cup of coffee." She smiled and stars flew.
It was the best cup of coffee I've ever had. We have plans to go out again. She doesn't seem to mind the age difference, we got that out of the way fast. I keep myself in shape, so I don't look older than 30, and she has very mature interests.
I could kill her without breaking a sweat. I imagine what it would be like, and I have mixed emotions. I wonder if I'd like her more or less covered in blood.
But I haven't had a date in a very long time. That, too, could be thrilling.